Update On Miss USA 2022: Contestants Are Livid Because Apparently The Contest Was Rigged For Miss Texas


Were Miss USA pageant-goers miss-led this year?

“Humiliated” contestants claim the 2022 Miss USA pageant was “rigged” and that the winner of the contest, Miss Texas R’Bonney Gabriel, was predetermined — or so say theories circulating TikTok, which claim no one had a “fair chance.”

“Most of the Miss USA contestants feel very strongly that there was favoritism towards Miss Texas USA and we have the receipts to prove it,” O’Keefe claimed in a TikTok video with over 29,000 views.

We got ourselves a good ol' fashioned cat fight on our hands people!!!

I don't know the first thing about beauty pageants or fashion shows other than how to watch them, for obvious reason. I don't have the first clue on how there's a "winner" and "losers" in these sort of things. In my mind they all hit the genetic lottery, so they're all winners, and I'm the big, fat loser. 

Literally and metaphorically speaking of course

But apparently Miss USA is more corrupt than a Chicago politician and they're rigging the entire contest. Take it from both Miss NY Heather Nuñez…

and Miss Montana Heather O'Keefe:

They aren't happy. Nor should they be. I'm sure there's a shit ton of work that goes into what they do, even though I admittedly don't know anything about this walk of life, like I said to start the blog. That's not me being facetious, either. If they're putting work into something that's rigged, they should be pissed off. A quick google shows all sorts of scholarships and grants are on the line for the winners, so if there's blatant cheating going on, they should sue the shit out of the organization if it is in fact.

Here's to hoping they get paid their dues. In the meantime, here's Miss New York, Miss Montana, and the "winner", Miss Texas:

Miss New York:


Miss Montana:

Miss Texas:

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